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Watch what happens when unsuspecting folks open a mysterious briefcase left out in the open. ...
we all know how funny is to put an airbag under the seats of a couch... get 8 or more airbags and put them under the mattress and in the middle of the night, kboom... its funny to see your friends lau ...
Jordan and Eric pull a prank on cars passing by in their neighborhood using an invisible rope. ...
Remi Gaillard is a shoe salesman turned French prankster. Here's a few of his pranks - I totally dig the Mario Kart one:Via MetaFilter. ...
Colleges Aren't Just for LearningOur favorite bloggers have compiled a fantastic list of the Top Ten Most Legendary College Pranks. Lots of the legendary hoaxes and wacky pranks come from the notoriou ...
This is a hilarious prank to pull in the middle of a class!Here's another video that someone did during their class, but its not as good as the superman one. ...
Here is a hilarious prank, you need a lot of people for it but its worth it. It kind of reminds me of that Improve Everywhere group. ...